Simulation Comparison


A quick question with the Solidworks simulation tool.
After doing a first simulation and then modifying your part (via a save as), is it possible to put the new simulation next to the old one to be able to compare them easily?

Hello @coin37coin ,

SolidWorks simulation only works on the current document. It is therefore impossible to display the results for the original and its copy simultaneously.
However, it is possible to load the copied model in a second session of SolidWorks. Each session can run its own simulation.

Disadvantage: the automatic backup does not work for the second session.
Kind regards.

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ouch ouch ... I was afraid of an answer like that. Too bad for me :frowning_face:

It would have been possible with "compare simulation" if you used config :wink:



Or go through a parameterized design study and there you can display the variants of your model which will be multiple.