ENOVIA-CATIA compatibility on Windows

Hi all


I'm looking for a link, a table where I can know the compatibility by version of Catia-Enovia DMU on Windows systems (especially Windows 10)


Thank you in advance.



A priori it's compatible:




This information is available in the Installation Media:

They are in the program directory "PDir_Multibrand"

Downloadable from the website (https://www.3ds.com/fr/) with a maintenance contract.

I don't have ENOVIA. 

EDIT CATIAV5-6R2016 is W10 certified;  CATIAV5-6R2015 is not W10 certified (so this limits your search for the 2016 version, the previous versions are not)

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Thank you for your answers.


I had also come across this article, but I still wanted to have a more "official" opinion.


I just looked in the "Multibrand pdir_" of V5-6_2016 and I didn't see anything on Windows 10.


I'll open a ticket to make sure of that, and I'll keep you posted.







I got my answer yesterday.

CATIA-ENOVIA and other products are compatible with Windows 10 and later versions 2016 (R26) SP2.


Thank you all.

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