Composition to go no longer responds!

I noticed that my "Composition to go" function no longer worked on SW2016.


When you choose the "File/Compose to go" function, the dialog box no longer opens, and the PC sends out an audible alarm.

You must then select the "Esc" function to cover the use of SW which works without any problem.

Using the SW2016 SP05 update, I have:

- uninstalled all SW applications except PDM.

- reinstalled from the SW2016 SP1 DVDs all SW products

- reinstalled the SP5

All these operations went smoothly.

When I launch SW2016 SP5, the "Compose to go" feature still doesn't work.

Can you help me? Thanks in advance,

Is this a big set that you are trying to export?? Does it work with another one? 



it may be possible that the parts are not all from the same version of SW

and that he does not find his young



From Windows Explorer, try right-clicking/solidworks/compositing to go.

Since the 2015 version (it seems to me), there have been problems.



another repair of Solidworks may be necessary but be careful with the options to check, it seems to me that you have to specify somewhere the installation of the composition function to take !!

Kind regards

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Hi all

Thank you for answers.

1/- Regarding the files processed, they are all of the same version.

2/- I tried a 100 KB ASM file from Windows Explorer (right click/Solidworks/Composition to go). No reaction, Windows displays its little blue wheel to tell us that it is doing something but nothing happens. You have to press "Esc" to get your hand on the explorer.

3/- When it came time to reinstall, I was careful to check the right apps.

Conclusion: I'm still in the fog :-)

Thank you for your help in coming.


If we start from the beginning and if I followed correctly:

- Installing SW2016 SP1 from the DVD. Does the take-home composition work at this time and why not download and install the SP5.0 directly?

- Installing SW2016 SP5.0. The take-home composition does not work or no longer works.

- What version of Windows do you have? On Windows 10 you also need to activate the .Net Framework 3.5 feature so to check:

- When reinstalling Solidworks, did you do a "cleaning" of the PC or a simple uninstall followed by a reinstallation? see here for more info, chapters III and IV are very instructive.

- Be careful with the options to check, it seems to me that you need to specify somewhere the installation of the take-home composition function: check all the checkboxes by scrolling down the options in the different apps.

Kind regards

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Another small question, are you trying a take-away composition of an assembly that is in the PDM or on another location? If in the PDM, you may have to do a "get latest version" before making this take-home composition so that you have the files locally.

Bjr to you, d.roger.

1/- I started with an SP05 update and as it didn't work, I uninstalled everything when I started from the SP1 DVD.

I checked my wndows 10 features, it's ok, in line with your recommendation.

When reinstalling, I didn't "clean" the registries in REGEDIT. I have read the actions to be taken in the CADWARE document that you sent me. I'm going to look into it this week. Thank you for the document!

Regarding the assemblies that I try to extract with the "Composition to go" function, they are not yet in the PDM, they are on an independent hard disk.

I do the manipulations of the documentary. CADWARE and I'll get back to you.

Thank you, @+


I have implemented the CADWARE utilities document, i.e.:

- total uninstallation

- Cleaning of the registries via the regedit as indicated in the doc. CADWARE

- reinstallation SW2016 SP01 then SP05

-check in the regedit on restart, the deleted registers have been updated.

It still doesn't work!!!


Are there any other PCs with SW2016 that this works on?

Does the "File / Search for references" function work? Problem noted and solved recently on SW2016, see

For my part, I went directly from SW2015 to SW2017 and I never had this type of problem, moreover on SW2017 it became "Pack and Go... " instead of "Composition to go.. " on SW2015.

Now I have no idea!!!

Kind regards

Question!!! : when you uninstalled - reinstall solid, did you do the same with the safe??? Because as much as the trunk and solid have lost their link!! (it's already happened to me, we had to format EVERYTHING... again...)

Kind regards


And a window problem that wouldn't be in the foreground? Another question, is it a windows 10 pro or enterprise in 64 bits?

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I'm getting back to you a little late.... with a solved problem that I wanted to share with you.... and it was "Cyril.f" who was the closest to the problem.

In fact, it was indeed a window problem that was not in the ZBOOK's screen including the second 21" shared screen.

It seems that windows 10 would not position the function window correctly.

To resolve the issue, follow the steps described below:

Right-click on the ZBOOK wallpaper, choose "Graphic Properties"

In the INTEL window, choose "Display" / "Multiple Monitors"

Swap the screens and then close again.

Launch SW and normally the function window should appear.

There you go, I hope it will be of some service.

Well done Cyril! Thank you to the other speakers.


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