Composition to take away - SW16



I wanted to use the take-home composition to archive a version of the furniture as it is. So I created a folder on the desktop and opened the main assembly of my "archive", but the assembly still refers to the parts in the old folder...  

Concretely, if I evolve my furniture, the archive, use the new versions of rooms...  


Is there something I misunderstood in the use of take-home compositions? 


Thank you for your help




I found this:


but it's about a bug on SW2014 and I'm on SW2016, would the bug have reappeared? 


Did you check everything off when generating the take-home composition? (sometimes some files fall by the wayside)

Otherwise, for precation, it would be good to add a prefix or suffix to prevent Solidworks from finding a file with the same name. If, for example, you have library files called in your assembly that are loaded when SW is opened, it will go directly to open those files without worrying about the path in the assembly settings.

In fact, if it comes across a single identical file in a folder, it continues to scan this folder and consequently opens the "bad" ones.

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I have added a suffix to the pieces of the take-home composition, 


It appears that the main assembly is not going to look for the right parts. 


(we see at the top of the PJ that the name of the open assembly as well as the name of the parts of the tree are not the names of the parts of the folder)



You have to put a prefix or suffix as Cyril.f said in solidworks you should never open 2 parts with the same name in 2 places especially if you risk opening them at the same time.

To complement Sbdenis, SW does not support paths:
- if a part is in memory (i.e. already open either directly or indirectly in an ASM), it is used;
- if the part is not in memory, it is searched in the current directory and its subdirectories. Be careful, the current directory is the last directory SW had access to...
- finally SW uses the paths indicated in the "search paths" parameter.

So if you open up your old design and then while keeping it in memory, open up the new design and there are parts with the same name, the new design will use the old files.

If you want to compare the 2 designs, either you rename the "common" parts, or you open a 2nd SW (you will get an error message that it cannot generate a log file).


I closed Solidworks (the software and not just the file) and I opened the "archive" and indeed it opens the right parts. 

So my mistake was to create the take-home composition and continue working on the open assembly without closing it. 


I'll try again soon to try to do it properly. 


Thank you for your help =)