Sweep composition


I have a problem when I make a composition taken away from an assembly (5 files).

I open my assembly carried away,  I modify a part and the drawing of it does not come to light. It keeps the model's part as a reference!

What to do for the reference?


When composing to take away, we also had to tick off the drawings!

Now, you have to save a copy of the drawings, then in SolidWorks open it, select the new drawing without opening it in this window and click on the "References" end to point to the new 3D file.


See the references button on this image:



I had checked to include the drawings.

By having checked include drawings, we can find the original file + the copy?

Do the files have exactly the same name?

Be careful, if two files have the same name, it is imperative to close SolidWorks, otherwise, it keeps the old file in memory!

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I do have the same name. It's when I add a view of the assembly on my part that it goes better.
