Concatenating Text in Part Families - SolidWorks

Good evening

In my old memories, I had made families of parts where the designation was done automatically in the Excel file.

For example, to give the name of the configuration of a part with a dimension of 20x80x200, I used Excel the "Concatenate" function and I had my name directly:

Which gives me "20x80x200"

And there I get this:

What's wrong?


And Excel tells me that it is written like this:

Slt Alain,

why don't you do the column A=B since you already fill it in!

See how I work... With the formula I use, everything is linked and changes automatically. In the link there is a tube or if you change the dimensions the text and the designation follow


Look at these links

I think you'll find the solution to your problem


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For the name of the part family you have to right-click on column A from cell 3, then cell format and put back on standart, otherwise Excel formulas are not accepted.

By default when you create a part family, this column is in text format (which does not accept formulas)


Hello @alain ERP

I use the & function to link my example  texts  in a1=>=b1&c1. If you want a space in between, it gives =b1&" "&c1 and if you want a text, it gives =b1&"x"&c1. I put an excel as an example.

may the force be with you.


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Thanks @ac cobra, I'll look at your solution, but as for @gt22, it's a pure Excel problem where it was done directly in the table.

Thank you @Sbadenis, that's exactly it!

An image for example:

So change the state of the cell to "standard" so that it takes into account the formula!

Thanks again

Thanks @Obi Wan, it also works to concatenate texts between them.

But my problem was the cell format; put standard and not text.