Chess Game Design



I want to draw the pieces of a chess game in order to make them. For all the pieces with an axis of revolution, I don't think I have any particular difficulties. On the other hand, concerning the riders, I am facing several problems that have not been solved for the moment. For the set, I oriented my small project towards design and assembly using two different materials. So I'm in the middle of looking for technical solutions for a small project that is more complex than I thought. As an indication, I use Catia V5.


If someone can and knows how to guide me then I am open to all proposals for solutions.


Thank you.






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Do you want to model the parts imperatively or do you mind downloading them ready-made?




To follow the idea of @Tomalam:



What exactly is the problem?


All the tutorials I found were made on 3DS, maybe it can help; Like what:


being a chess player myself


The part that causes you the + of problem is the jumper 

if you play chess yourself and you have so-called regulation pieces

you look closely , the rider is only made of curves and stretches of curves

It's up to you to make half a piece and symmetrize it

the other pieces are only revolutions

except the cross on the king, and the crown for the queen


@ Tomalam @ benoit

I think his project is made to learn catia

so give him the ready-made parts no interest


especially look at the Catia tutorials

and if you have a real problem, post a screenshot

and here you will find the answer to your question


@+ ;-)

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Are you allowed to be a little creative in the design of the chess game?


Let me explain, you have the classic chess game with standard piece shapes and you have themed chess games.

In the last category you can imagine anything you want (Simpsons, Star  Wars, Asterix and many others). So if you give personality to your style of pieces, you can free yourself from the difficulty of the knight.

Example with the very angular rider in the image below:


For example, you can imagine flat pieces with the horse's head simply engraved on the outline and make all the pieces in the same style.


For the board, you can also play on a fine engraving crossed with the black squares.





"I think that his project is made to learn Catia

so give him the ready-made parts no interest"


It would bite! ;-)


For me the examples were to give ideas for volumes, SW, Catia or other !! The view of real 3D models allows most of the time to understand how they were made.


No but!



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It's true that with a project like this, there's a way to have a lot of fun!!


And if you have a laser or a waterjet cutter on hand, it becomes super easy to do.

@ Benoit


NO NO I don't want to bite ;-D

(I had understood your approach @ all 2)


What...... That...................... It depends on what can be eaten


@+ ;-)


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@gt22 :D



If the outcome is to let go, we should perhaps consider the idea of making some parts in rapid prototyping (3D printer). The move is reasonable and you can make almost any shape you want, and especially unusable geometries!!


Hey, tell me, wouldn't that be a nice subject for Challenge? What do you think @guillaume.aufort and @Clémentine? Within everyone's reach!!




Don't hesitate to specify your idea in the group "Your ideas for challenges": .

And we'll see with the team after ;)

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A nice idea for the game board if you have access to a water jet or laser cut: a thin sheet metal where you come to cut the checkerboard, glue/fix on a plexiglass plate, so it is possible to get the white/black checkerboard of the game board, and above all a nice look.


Just an idea that went through my head.


Have a good weekend

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Your request made me smile because it's the first thing I digitized at home after having a brief training on Catia V5 R7 at work; a complete chess game without using the surface once.

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