Designing a mechanical locking system

I'm in the process of designing a personal project and I'm stuck on a mechanical system.
In fact, I have a 100mm x 50mm x 10mm straight pad that I fit into a subwoofer of the same size (plus the mechanical clearance). I have springs underneath and I hope that by pressing on the block, it will get stuck in the box and that with a new pressure the block will come out of the box pushed by the springs. But I can't manage to develop this mechanical system, plus I would prefer to use as little as possible parts that would need to deform. As for the materials used, I am free.
So thank you for advising me or at least giving me the name of this system or the name of the category of this kind of system.
Thank you for giving me a hand,
Have a nice day


The system you describe is similar to the one that moves the lead in and out of a ballpoint pen, have you tried to adapt this system to your case?


Hello Push-Push system.

They are found in furniture openings, glove boxes, interuptors.

There are ready-made mechanisms to fulfill this function.

An example


Thank you for your answers

@Frédéric: Yes, it's the same kind of effect that is being sought

@Franck.ceroux: thank you for your link. It's very interesting but I can't take these systems already ready. I have a major constraint. The moving part is less than 10mm (in the sense that the pushing is supposed to be done.

I am currently looking for books to learn more about this kind of system. If you have any recommendations to make to me, it would be very useful to me. Thank you!

Hello, the PB with a push push system is not the thickness of the part but rather the volume of clearance in the box and the travel for unlocking.

The pen is a Push Push system, there are several techniques for tilting the lock either by rotation or by cam type translation.  

You will find many other videos on the net.