Configuring parts on Traceparts

Hi all

I downloaded a piano hinge on traceparts with a length of 2 meters and then chose another dimension.

But I can't find a configuration to go from 2 meters to my rib.

Thank you in advance for your answers.


Your part is in neutral format or in solidworks format

If neutral format you have to go through Feature Works and redo the Feature Manager

to have the construction history

on a piano hinge

you have 3 pieces if I don't get too much

so dissociate these 2 /3 pieces 

save them in share and make jams

long hole etc

@+ ;-)



If you want to make configurations you can create them and then remove the material to get the size you want...

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Thank you very much, it was the solution I didn't want.

But since I have no choice... Get to work!

Otherwise I found on 3D contentCentral hinges already configured but the dimensions are in inch :'(.


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But you can change the units as you want. At the bottom right of the screen you have a box with custom or mmgs. And there you can change the units for the room...


What a ball and chain I am!

Thank you very much for the info.