Configuration: BOM Option: PROMOTE

In the "Configuration Properties" of an Assembly, then "BOM Options"


Someone, what is the purpose of the PROMOTE checkmark?


I can see what the SHOW and HIDE checkmarks are for, but not the latter.




You looked in the help I guess:


Disbands the subassembly into the BOM and shows its child components, even if the BOM Type wants them to be displayed normally. For example, a first-level only BOM typically lists the subassembly, but not its child components. If Promote is selected, the child components are listed, but not the subassembly."


Benoit said it all!


Nothing to add;)

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I hadn't proven in the help.....
Now I have to re-test with this checkmark because I don't have the impression that it doesn't work via "smartbom"

I redid the test (since SW 2012 and mycadtools 2012):


indeed it doesn't seem to work via smartBOM but it works from a SolidWorks drawing BOM table.



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I tried several times to use this option (2012 version), I quickly gave up, nothing was going as planned, I think that this function is not at all successful in solidworks. From experience, I don't recommend touching the "show", "hide" and "promote" buttons because after that it's very difficult to go back.

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In SolidWorks 2014:

  • The option works in a SolidWorks BOM
  • under SmartBOM the option is not taken into account but I made a request to evolve the utility.