Configuration PC

Hi all

We use solidworsk2018 to design and Top solid7.12 to make the machining programs for machine. We machine "complex" parts in 5 axes with Top solid 7.12 (boring machine for example).

Our problem is that the PCs we have are quickly saturated (processor at 100% at times).

Here is the pc configuration we currently have: 

Intel(R) XEON(R) CPU E5-1630 v4 @3.70 Ghz 3.70Ghz
32Gb RAM
64Bit operating system

Can you tell me what the PC configuration would be so that they don't lag at all and don't take 2 hours to load to do the simulations for example? 


Thank you in advance.


What type of graphics card do you have?

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NVIDIA Quadro M2000


To complete this, do you work in a single workstation or in a network. By that you put our PCs in the plural.

I have a similar configuration (but in single-seat) and I don't have this type of problem and yet I work on very large assemblies.

Here is a bench that compares our two CPUs. The graphics card is not the AMHA problem at all.

You are in 64 bits, not with which version of Windows???




in Single-user and yes 64bits.

Do you run SW and TopSolid at the same time?
Have you contacted TopSolid?

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