Leave not complete with the dedicated function, possible?

Hi all

For the sake of saving time, a question is on my mind.

Does the leave function have the property of making a non-complete leave (which stops at a plan or a sketch), without having to go through sketches and a scan function?

In my example in the photo, I have to make a fillet of radius 4mm on the red edge but it stops at 8.5mm from the underside.

I hope I have been clear enough for you to tell me if it is possible:)



If you create a break in your edge at 8.5mm (for example by creating a dividing line on the front side) you can do what you say by unchecking the "follow the tangance" option of the fillet function!


PS: I can attach a screen print if you need

EDIT: FALSE I answered without testing but after testing my idea doesn't work

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Possibly by splitting your room according to your plan or sketch. Then take your leave and merge it all again.


It is necessary to go through an elevation of matter via scanning 

Draw a line of the desired length sketch 1

Draw Sketch Section 2

and elevation via swipe


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One possible solution is to use a fillet with a variable radius and set the value to 0 :


Otherwise, a solution here:


Another one here:


Thank you for your quick answers!

So there would be no way to do this within the fillet function, a bit like with a removal of material that can be stopped at a vertex or a position defined by a distance or a plane?

I also adapted the Coyote technique, it works for me.
Make a sketch of a material removal with a thin function of a few microns (yes it's not clean it's true), then a leave function without following the tangeance;  

but unfortunately it doesn't solve my problem to know if it's only possible in the leave function (without any other function) with a "magic option" that only the pros know!

I'll test it right away .PL.

Thank you!

Yes I didn't tick @ .PL  but the variable fillet technique necessarily creates a difference in radius downwards? The fillet is therefore not constant up to 8.5mm, and I have the impression that I have no way to impose on the function a position where to stop it.

But I may be wrong knowing that I don't often use variable leave.

you can try what you want 

you need a guide for congee on SW to stop a leave

so either you cut your piece

or you create a guide via a sketch and elevation of the material by scanning

(my previous answer).. ;-)

I tested and tried with colleagues and it's the only walkthrough we found!


Yes, it's a shame that we can't do it directly in the leave function as a result.

It would be a way to improve on the software side.

Anyway, thank you again to you;)

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it's not really useful to the majority of users either

There are so many other things to improve on the log in his core job

@+ ;-)