Do you know of a website/database for automotive spare parts?

Hello everyone,

I am introduced to the SOLIDWORKS design software, and I have a small project to model in 3D various spare parts existing on the market of an automobile. The problem is that all these parts must belong to the same car to be able to assemble them afterwards. Apart from a few isolated parts here and there, I can't find any real database that can list drawings of car parts. I would like to point out that this project is purely personal and non-profit.

Do you have an idea of your own?

Kind regards


It doesn't exist for the simple reason that these pieces are covered by the notion of intellectual property (in very, very simplified).

Why focus on the automotive industry?

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Thank you for your answer. I suspected a little about the IP and your answer confirms my doubts. I still thought that there would be old plans of cars from the twentieth century, cars that are no longer commercialized today...

Regarding the choice of sector, the automotive industry is a field that I like and I thought that modeling car parts would give me motivation to continue my learning on Solidworks =) In addition it is a complex system in the sense that I will be able to touch a little bit each of the modules of Solidworks.

I was even thinking of looking into modeling my own car:D