Advice / professional liability insurance / independent service providers

Good morning and best wishes to all.

My question is outside the usual CAD framework. My apologies.

I am addressing independent CAD service providers (EI, EURL, etc.).

Few insurers offer professional liability and operating contracts for our core businesses. 

For some, the prices are prohibitive.

Do you have any feedback?  An insurer to advise?

Thank you.



PB........ I find my post in X 4!



I think we should talk more to the Lynkoa staff.


They will be better able to answer your questions than us =)


Have a good day to you!

It all depends on your job. The prices will not be the same depending on what you develop and the risks to be insured behind it.

If you ask your insurer, they will make you a proposal.



I think there are also freelancers on the site!!


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Hello JH,

You ask an excellent question! I was hesitant to ask that kind of question here. But it is true that there is no charter that prohibits us from asking any other question than the one devoted to pure CAO. By the way, I would like to call out the Lynkoa team on the subject!

Brief! To answer your question, I'm also embarking on the wonderful world of business creation. I have already been to see an insurer (MAAF), they strongly advised me to take out professional liability insurance. For the price.... less than 60€/year! So no worries about that. Then you can also take out a "professional consequence" insurance: imagine that you hurt others following the design of a product that turns out to be defective... or even worse than injuring... Your customers will be merciless! Except that the catch... little assurance does... and at high prices! I keep looking...

Do not hesitate to contact me in minutes if necessary.

@+ and good luck to you.



I can confirm that this question is entirely legitimate. No problem on our side.

Have a good day:)


Clementine, Charly, thank you.

For the author of the down vote........... not SO correct!

No hard feelings :-)


Clementine, for this type of question, some forums have a "coffee corner" tab.

Create a ????? group   The groups are not very lively on the site.

To be seen.


Charly, if the subject interests other people, have little to continue on this post.

If not, we will do it in PV without pb.

Indeed, there are not many insurers who offer operational and professional civil liability for our core businesses. 

As indicated by opiep27, the rates are fct of the activity carried out.

60 € / year seems very low to me.  

At least (basic CAD service on site or not), I received the first answers.

One at 430 € / year,   one  at 400 € / month !!,  another at 1600 € minimum / year.

I'm waiting for 3 more offers. MAFF  has been contacted.

I'll keep you posted.

A+  (A - expensive)

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Good evening

For my part, I opted for Alianz which between the price and the services was very interesting. but all this depends on the APE code. Some insurance provides a ten-year guarantee where there is no need for it.... apart from CAD building maybe....


Back from my insurer MAAF: it offers a professional liability insurance at 85€/year. This includes ONLY civil liability and not  "professional consequences" due to a design defect for example. MAAF does not offer this type of insurance. For my part, starting the activity on my own I don't think I'll insure myself for that the first year. I'm taking the risk. I would specify in my general terms and conditions of service a mention of non-liability. 

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