I would like to keep the sketches when I delete (right-click the red cross) a hole or any other function
could you please help me
When you remove the feature, a dialog box appears. You have to uncheck the absorbed functions
Indeed the dialog box is no longer displayed,
but a priori it doesn't work for piercings?
As far as I know, it doesn't maintain them because it's an integral part of the function.
Extrusions and material removals do not have the same problem because they are built "manually".
A copy and paste of the sketch before the removal of the function seems a good idea to me...
Indeed, on the drilling functions, there is no way to uncheck the absorbed functions
I tried this morning @mandragore ... And, unfortunately, it doesn't copy the dimensions.
But maybe it's not embarrassing for our sidekick?
In any case, you must select the plane to copy the sketch to.
Weird, usually, it's only the dimensions related to references outside the sketch that don't follow.