Construction of standard elements and automatic dimension updates

Hi everyone,

Today I have a little question on a subject where I regularly waste time.

We manufacture a number of different products, but some are recurring, such as aquarium tanks.
It is always tailor-made but usually more or less the same odds.

For the profile supports I just modify my dimensions in the mechanically welded assembly and I re-edit a list of parts of the profiles to be cut.

But for the glass plates of our tanks I would like to have for example "bottom **** x *****"  "side **** x ****" "front face ***** x *****"  where the famous dimensions would take the exact value of my modified model.

So when I make a plan of my assembled glass tank, I add a nomenclature, and the names of the components will have been modified, which also allows us to order or cut the glass to the right dimensions.

Without each time recreating new models...

I don't know exactly the best solution, but I can see that we waste time on it every time. I looked at this tutorial 
but it doesn't answer my problem..

I hope I have been understandable.

Thank you for your answers.



The easiest way for me will be to make a second drawing sheet, with the bodies concerned.

The view relating to the model will be used:

Thanks to this option, and by choosing a single body, we will only display it in the drawing. And by rating it, we will obtain its dimensions which will always be up to date!

Otherwise, it's also possible in annotations, but it will be more complicated!

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Simply configure your glass plates to the desired dimensions.

(you make your plate., I imagine it's a simple rectangle.

So length width. You leave your sketch Double click on the sketch in the creation tree and  right click on your dimension: configure dimension.)

All you have to do is put in your nomenclature a column with an indication of the configuration that will correspond to your dimensions).

I hope my gibberish is understandable. ^^.

I hope to answer your question.


A video to illustrate my point about the (body) views relating to the model:


All you have to do is create your building as a family of rooms

See this tutorial

And to create the glazing at a distance x from its support

With each modification of the side of the frame the size of the glass will follow




2 choices are available to you



In your room, go to file -> property

Select the data that will appear in your nomenclature. Then go to the corresponding "Value" box

Click in this box. Write down a text if necessary (in my case, Sheet metal ep.)

Select the sketch where your rating is placed. They will then appear on the screen. Select your value. 

Separate with an "x" if you want and select your 2nd and then 3rd value



From time to time, Solidworks does not want to select the values. I advise you to look for the name of your rating (click on the value in the sketch.) and write them down somewhere

Then redo the whole 1). Except that instead of selecting your value, you write it down live

In my case, it makes Sheet metal ep."D1@Boss.-Extru.1@NomDeLaPiece.SLDPRT" (the "" are important)


And there you go, it should appear in your nomenclature and keep the link from one part to another if you save them under and modify them directly. On the other hand, once you remove the rating, you lose the link


Hoping it's what you wanted, don't hesitate to tell me if I'm not very clear.




So after taking the time to study your different answers and tutorial videos I will answer you point by point:


. PL:   thank you but concerning this party I already know the relative views etc, it doesn't really answer my problem actually, but thank you.


GT22: I looked at the settings of parts families, using excel etc, it's probably quite practical but already too advanced for the simple application we will make of it.


Coincoin and Fabrice:
Your two answers have already clarified my ideas a little more. I think that on our side a mistake that had been made was that the models had often been named as for example "Front glass before 1200 x 600" which means that in a nomenclature we immediately saw the dimensions of the glass to be ordered, but that when slight modifications were made, It was then necessary to change all the file names for a simple modification of the dimensions.

I had seen in tutorials concerning the "property form" that appeared in 2013 and which was supposed to replace the old "summary of information" tool that could be integrated into the name, the "ratings" by clicking on them, in order to have nomenclatures that are always updated.

I guess we can only update the "information" in the nomenclature and not the name of the file?!

And so that it would be much better to stop integrating the dimensions of the parts in the names of the models?!

Regarding the addition of information, and my request today, and for a relatively basic use of SW like that of our small SME, what means do you suggest to use?  The old "Information Summary" table or the new "Property Form"?

Is there a tutorial dealing specifically with this kind of point? Or even the management of our "part names", "quotations" or their management in general?


Thank you very much for your answers

Wow, but you're in a much more advanced version than me (I'm still in 2011. Sniff)

So I can't answer you about the difference between "property form"  and "summary of information".

On the other hand, one thing is certain. My personal rule is never to include the dimensions in the names of the rooms. At the slightest change, at the slightest little mm more or less, it's a big struggle to be able to modify!


In short, for what I understood in your explanations, the property form seems to be very nice:)

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Just like @coin37coin, I never include a rating in the file name.

Then for the property editor, here is a tutorial of @Gt22:

I advise you to use it if you don't have the MycadTools utilities and the unbeatable SmartProperties.

Kind regards


More info

You can also name your parts via concatenation 

What is concatenation? It is the grouping of several properties into one. So if you need to produce a property with the project name followed by the thickness and the filename, come see the trick to group these properties into one.

See attached tutorial

@+ ;-))

I think these tutorials will help you solve some of your problems

in addition to all the information already distributed in the answers above

good tutorial 

@+ ;-))

@gt22 following your links there are:

There was no 404 CMS page configured or found.

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thank you @ Gerald I'll look at it right away

After a look at my house everything works well

try again

@+ ;-))

always the same problem. I don't access the tutorial through the pasted link.

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I don't understand at home everything works I just redid the test via the links posted in my messages direction tuto download the You Tube link

made a copy of the link to see

I'm on W7 chrome

a request to make to Clémentine maybe so that she explains to us the why and how

@+ ;-))

Without wanting to spoil the thread of the discussion @gt22, it makes me like @Gerald for the link on the concanation (and I use chrome just like you)


On the other hand, for what I understand of the function, I don't really see the point. In the files; Ownership happens rather naturally. You put your names aside one after the other by simply clicking or writing the note.

But since I don't have access to the tutorial, a subtlety must escape me^^

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@ Gerald & Coin37Coin

I just posted a request here

At home everything works under PC IPAD IPHONE

to understand nothing ;-((

do a test via the direct link



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Nice little Quebec accent. It puts a smile on your face for the day.


 Brief. It looks nice... but it doesn't mark until Sldw 2014, right?

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no @ coin37coin it's much earlier

The proof in pictures on SW 2009

Done on September 12, 2011

@+ ;-))

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Thank you for your answers I hadn't seen them, I didn't receive any notification this time, bizzare.
In short, I wanted to study all these links but I don't have access either.

In the meantime I stick to the simple addition of the dimensions in "description" by clicking on my length and width. I no longer include call numbers in names. and then I'll try to study your links if it becomes accessible:)

and I'll tell you what worked for me!


Thank you