Construction of standard elements and automatic dimension updates

Thank you for your answers,


I finally looked at your tutorials (except those on the families of rooms)

I think that I should not have integrated the dimensions into the names of the parts, given the many modifications they undergo.

So I use the "summary of the properties of the document" or next to "name" I will click on my dimensions to show under "name" "X" x "Y".

So this already largely solves my main problem.

On the other hand, still in the same field, I regularly have dimensions that are not displayed in my welded parts list tables...
I choose a profile that I put on the sketch of an upright of 1300 high, and the dimension is not displayed in the table of welded parts, do you have any idea where it can come from?


Thank you for your help

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You should go to your 3D to "welded part list" (in your construction tree, just under "annotation".


Maybe it's not updated. In which case, right-click => update


Otherwise, expand this subfolder and right-click on a subpart, property. There, you will be able to intervene live as for the properties of your parts/assembly.

Maybe some odds are not well taken into account. I admit that I'm a little circumspect, I've never had this problem :s


I would also advise you to create a new question. Since it has been a long time ago, no one sees it in his discussion thread anymore. And it's closed since you voted for a "better answer" (thank you very much for that)