Contact constraint

Good evening, I have a little problem with constraints...

On the attached image, I  would like that when the cylinder (green) moves in the yellow part (travel constraint and groove) it pushes the red part on its different surfaces.

I thought about trajectory but not tested, afraid that the back and forth in the notch would not please him...

Thank you for your answers!



Which version are you on and can you post your assembly in a ZIP or RAR file so that we can see what constraints are already in place???



already trying to create a single contact surface

and maybe lengthen your fork which seems limited 



I'm on SW 2018.

I enclose a Zip.

I can't extend the fork, the 2 sides (the one under the jack and its 90° girlfriend serve as a lock in extreme positions)

A trajectory constraint with the center point of the round of the green piece and a sketch for the trajectory on the red part should work.


I tried the trajectory solution, but what I feared happened:

it works... but not always.

It uses this  or that portion of the trajectory in a somewhat random way.

(Blue line on the image instead of going to orange...)

Attachment update.

The image


if you want it to work well according to the stroke of your green piece

you create an axis point on the green piece

in a sketch on a plane x that is collinear to your fork

On your whip you don't need a sharp angle


either lengthen the fingers according to the stroke or radiate

on the same plane, creates a sketch in the form of a construction line (red piece) on the axis of the fingers

and constrain this line which is straight with the axis point of the green piece

The displacement can be solved via the length of this said line



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Good evening, no, it doesn't work in my case, if  you look at the last image I posted, you'll see that I need the green piece to lock the red one by following the line marked in orange.

Outside, it goes, but randomly! nothing too square ...