Horizontal stress that is at 0.2° with respect to the plane?


A small problem that I can't understand:

On a sketch of a square, side with constraints of horizontality and verticality, once extruded, the faces of the volume are at 0.2° with respect to the basic planes of the part.

The segments of the sketch square are not horizontal or vertical, despite the constraint.

I'm attaching the play (SW2017) if you have any idea where it comes from.


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Here is the piece


Indeed, there is an angle but "only" of 0.02132938° when it is supposed to be horizontal...

On the other hand, I made a new sketch in this same room and the problem is not repeated!

A weird thing in your sketch, its origin doesn't take up that of the piece...?!

I don't really see where it can come from but I'll be you, I'll redo the sketch and delete this one.


yes it's hard to understand!