Constraints of a Red Subassembly in the Assembly


I have an assembly composed of subassemblies, Solidworks puts constraints on me in red, supposedly saying that I am not aligned contrary to what I want. But when I enter the sub-assembly, all my constraints are blue. Is it due to a solidworks bug or is it a real problem?

I'm on Solidworks 2016 SP3, I know that SP4 is out but I have to wait for the person in charge of the IT to come and update us.

Thank you.



Have you tried updating using a CTRL+Q? It looks a lot like a reconstruction bug!


There is probably a mistake. When you are in the highest level assembly , there is a text in red at the bottom right in the "constraint error" status bar

Click on it and try out the different options.

coin37coin: Yes, I tried to update it several times and even restart solidworks but it doesn't solve the problem.


.PL: I don't have the text as shown, I'm attaching a picture of my SOLIDWORKS window. Same in the "constraints" tree is in yellow but when I develop I have nothing abnormal.


So on the "constrained" ossier of the tree, right-click and choose "what's wrong"

Do you have several configurations in your CANTARESS?

Is it the same in the assembly and when you open it?

I get the message: "Components cannot be placed in a position that satisfies this constraint. Cylinders are not concentric. The distance between the centers is"

But I don't know what constraint he's talking about... And how come when I open my subassembly I don't have any constraints in red?


Have you edited the constraints of sub-assembly in assembly to restore links??? Maybe it's just a loss??? Because I see that it's a part created in the subassembly....

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Do you have several configurations in your CANTARESS?

Is it the same in the assembly and when you open it?

ac cobra 427  > Yes I tried, the links are well kept but apparently I have a piece that moves between temsp (I don't know how) and my coincidences can no longer be respected. If I understood the problem correctly... I removed the "On the spot" constraint by forcing it myself and it doesn't change anything.

.PL > Yes, I have 2 versions but they can't be confused (they are totally different) and I don't touch the first version anymore which was abandoned for the one I'm currently working on.

I'll try to redo my assembly to see if it's still causing me the problem. It's quite annoying to work with constraints in red.

Before redoing your assembly, try saving under the subassembly, then replace it in your higher-level assembly and save your assembly under a new name.

And edit the feature where you have the sketch of extrusions in the assembly??? that's who's on the spot...

Ac cobra 427 > On my function I have already removed all external relations and I have redimensioned my sketch.

.PL >I tried but no changes. So I'm trying to redo the assembly.

So it's almost certain that it's a bug, so press the info service to switch to SP4, it may solve the problem.

there is still the relation of the face on the spot. Edit the part and give it a plan that is in the part and then you put it back in the sub-assembly.

.PL >I reassembled and I no longer have any errors of constraints... I hope the bug is well fixed in the SP4 unfortunately I can't have the update before September...

Ac cobra 427 > I didn't understand everything on this one. I was able to manage by redoing my final assembly. I'll see if the mistakes come back or not.

This part was created in the sub-assembly on one side of another part and that's where there is still a link and to break this link you have to give it another construction plan if its bug again...

Ac cobra 427 > If the bug comes back, I will ask for more information on this point. Thank you again for your help.