Convert Driven Curve or Sketch to Spline


I drew a shape with curves driven by equations, but despite the tangencies that are supposed to be perfect, after a "volumization" of the line, the zebras show a kind of discontinuity that distorts them, like a problem with normals. Same problem with an identical path but created with lines and arcs.

But this problem doesn't appear with splines, so is there a way to convert my curve or lines and arcs to a closed spline? With automatic adjustment of the control handles of course, otherwise you might as well do it by hand but much less precise.

Ideally, I want to:
- keep the original sketch (curve or arcs),
- generate a spline relative to the original so that by modifying the original the spline follows,
- Extrude the spline.

Thank you.


The tool I use is "Adjust Spline..." (Tools / Spline Tools) with the "Constraint" parameter.


Yes, the adjustment method is the only one that allows you to stay "hooked" to the initial sketch. But the zebra stripes remain tense because the spline settings are limited. On the other hand, if you want to "relax" the spline a little, you have to free it from the constraints of adjustment. It will no longer follow any changes to the initial sketch. The unconstrained spline can be converted into a spline that can then be simplified to better control the smoothing of the zebras.

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Thank you for the answer, but it's way too imprecise, in addition to often crashing my SW., it doesn't change anything about the zebra stripes...

It kills me that it's not possible to just have a spline that keeps the reference points and that follows the curves exactly by passing through at least these points.

If I choose closed spline, I have handles but I am forced to draw the symmetry of the sketch, and finally the reference points are not respected so the shape is not conforming.
If I choose open spline, I at least have the start and end points that coincide but I don't have the handles...

Seriously, can't we just connect each point of the shape, to create a spline without smoothing, and then adjust these lines to the shape with automatic smoothing (tangents) of the points??