Converting an assembly from a version of CATIA v5-6 to CATIA v5r21


I would like to convert an assembly from a version of CATIA v5-6 to CATIA v5r21.
On the net, I found this link: that I adapted to my case.
It works but this procedure only transforms the parts and not the assembly.

Is there also a method to convert the assembly as well?

Thank you in advance for your help.


The DownwardCompatibility utility does not support CATProducts or CATParts Multibody, it does not convert build history to the result and a solid without history

But it can be used to (Synchronize) the lower version when modifying the higher version.

If you have a STEP license, an AP214 step of the assembly does the job.

Under V5R21 at the opening (If you have a STEP license) CATIA will create the Product(s) and Parts.

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Thank you Franck for your explanations.

On the other hand, I admit that I didn't understand everything. I will therefore try to reformulate.

First, I understand that you confirm that DownwardCompatibility does not support CATProducts.

Also, do you have another way to convert a CATPRoduct?

It seems that you have a solution: "If you have a STEP license an AP214 step assembly does the job. Under the V5R21 when opened (If you have a STEP license) CATIA will create the Product(s) and the Parts."

On the other hand, how do you do this "conversion of a product to AP214 step from CATIA v5-6" manipulation?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Simply file saved as (we change to Step)

Options for Step

Beware of hidden elements, by default they are not converted.

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Hello Franck,

I did the manipulation with DownwardCompatibility but I couldn't get the build tree of the parts. Is there a technique that can allow you to recover the construction trees when you upgrade to a lower version (for me from V5-6 R2012 to v5r21?

I hope so, but it seems that this is not possible

Thank you in advance for your help.




No way since CATIA saving in lower version or in other format (Step, iges, stl, etc) automatically implies the loss of history.

There are software programs that attempt to reconstruct a history from the original file to a lower version or another CAD format.

If the content of the file is volumetric many software including CATIA have "function recognition" tools (FR1), it is possible to reconstruct a pseudo history (it will necessarily be different from the original one) and does not work on points, plans, landmarks.

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