Conversion step by Docbundle

Hello, the Docbundle tool of MyPDMtools allows you to perform conversions to assembly or Solidworks part steps.

Do you know if it is possible to select the configuration of the assembly or part to be converted?

Currently, only the active conversion is converted.  


If you are in Task mode, you can specify a configuration to scan the tree

If nothing is filled in or the configuration does not exist, it will take the @ 

On the other hand, for the generation it is not possible at the moment. I create an evolution request to take into account the configuration defined in the assembly

Have a nice day 



Hello, I'm not in task mode. 

The configuration is different for each bundle, or even each 3D.

I found a solution by having the assembly copied to a temporary folder by the docbundle, which triggers a TaskAddin conversion task where the configuration selection is possible by the one who started the task.

I admit that if we could select conversion from the start, it would make my life a lot easier. So I'm waiting for the improvement.

Thank you