I am looking to convert an assembly file into 3D DXF for one of my clients.
I tried several methods:
- By automatic conversion sites, but either my file is too large, or I don't have the right format required, or it doesn't work.
- By saving my assembly as a part file and then as a DXF, but it doesn't work, my client can't open it.
- By saving my assembly in *.sat format and then going through DrafSight in *.dxf (method found on the forum), but my client still can't open it. On my side I manage to do the opposite with the file *.dxf obtained (*.dxf -> *.sat -> *.sldprt).
Yes, I can open it via Draftsight, I can also open it via SolidWorks but the software only gets a 2D from it.
I have an element in surface and everything else in volume after converting from *.sldasm to *.sldprt, do you think this element can be the source of the problem?
We didn't succeed with DWG3D or DXF3D formats, there must be something very simple to do that we don't do.
My client found the solution on his side to open STEP files under Autocad (he has the 2019 version). Until now it tried to open the STEP file, but you have to go through "import a file" and not "open a file".
On my side I am used to uploading my STEP files directly into SolidWorks and the software manages by itself, so I didn't think about it and I don't know Autocad...
In any case, thank you for taking the time to answer me.