Conveyor: pitch / radius relationship

It's more a problem of geometry than pure CAD, but rather than spending time doing x iterations (after finally finding the right way to constrain all this), would anyone have the formula to know the radius of a conveyor according to the dimensions of a basket circulating on it?
A small drawing (elevation view):

Thank you



It's very simple, you copy the line that guides your basket to the right.

Then you put three sides

1°) At the bottom you shift it half the width of your carrycot plus a 1cm set

2°) At the top you shift your line down the height of the basket plus a game

3°) you put a dimension of the height of the basket between each basket plus a game.

This way, you automatically have the area reserved for the passage of the carrycot without any possibility of collision.

Kind regards

PS I can make you an animated gif or if you're in SW 2018 I'll give you the demo file


There's no denying it, the pressure is only good in a glass.