Copy with constraints: lock rotation

Hi all

Is it possible, when copying with constraints, to have a check mark for the rotation lock of coaxial constraints?

or, failing that, to temporarily adjust the coaxial units that are still locked in rotation?

Precision: I am sour SW2014.


I don't think it's possible, but if you copy a part that is constrained with the planes to stop the rotation and you check these constraints to keep them, you get the desired effect.

Edit: but if the copied part has the rotation locked, the copies of it are not?

Otherwise, it can be done for all the constraints of an assembly easily:



@PL, no, copies are by default without blocking.

On the other hand, I saw that you could change all coaxial constraints to locked by right-clicking on the constraints folder.


edit: oops, we crossed paths...

Thank you @PL.

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