Copying Settings

I just installed SW2016SP5.

When importing the parameters (copy wizard...), I had the choice to apply to SW2016 or SW2016...

To tell the truth, I have already had the problem with other versions but without having time to go deeper.


What do you think?


I had the same thing, I didn't touch anything (at the level of the squares) and I finished the manipulation.

All of them were transferred correctly...

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In fact it all depends on the versions of solidworks that are installed on your PC, you can use settings saved with the latest version and use them with the 2015 version.

@William: That's what I did but hey, I like to understand

@A. Leblanc: The problem is that he doesn't offer me 2015 and 2016 (I have all the versions from 2012 to 2016 on machine...) but 2016 and 2016.


Do you have floating licenses? If so, it may come from the different licenses you have.  

No, only fixed licenses.

And it also does it on the other machines in the office that have more or less the same configuration (several versions of SW).

It's not very coherent.

Did you do the manipulation several times?


Wouldn't you have installed SolidWorks twice in a row in different locations ?

DSL, I answered a little too quickly yesterday, I think it doesn't offer you the previous versions because your settings must be saved under the 2016 version.

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So for 2016, it was the first time I installed it.

On the other hand, my settings file is from 2015 and edited to replace 2015 with 2016 (I have directories of template files by version...). I have to test it next time.


The SW settings before 2016 changed when I opened the 2016 software, I was surprised when I went from 2014 to 2016 (and yet I had checked all the options that I wanted to start from scratch and then import the preferences).

Anyway it saved me 20seconds but hey :-)

In absolute terms, I think you must have problems with common registers and records, etc. to have so many versions installed on the computer.

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Not really a complete and absolute answer but I think that the fact that I edit my settings file (to replace "manually" 2015 with 2016) makes SW panic a bit (there must still be references to SW15 that I haven't seen).

A piece of advice already said, but it's good to remember it:

when we do a major update (year version) of SW,

It is preferable to take screenshots of its settings (system options, DWG-DXF export options, etc...)

Then if you delete the existing SW, restart the pc, then manually delete the remaining folders (programs, progdata, users/AppData...) as well as take a look in the register in the right places!

Then restart

Then install the new version


Why do this? because it allows you to start with a healthy bass, not to drag "mysterious bugs", not to have new interesting options disabled by default, etc...

Of course, it takes a little more time, but the benefit can sometimes be great (disappearance of some bugs).

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