Copying with constraints on inventor?

Can I copy a part with constraints (like solidworks) on Inventor 2014? I have 200 tubes to insert in a refrigerant, do I have to constrain them one by one? Where can I go faster?

Thank you

see this topic here https ://


@+ ;-)



The link of @gt22:




@gt22: I don't see the connection between the question and the link????

Hi @ coyote

I don't know why the link to mess up thank you 

@+ ;-)

I want to copy the part with the flush constraint and manually do my co-axiality constraint, is this possible on Inventor?

Thank you




I don't know Inventor at all but maybe the solition is in this icopy function:



I copy only offers me an assembly and not a single part, but I remember the manipulation just in case!

I don't have the impression that the link of gt22 corresponds to the correct answer.

I think you're looking for the equivalent of Solidworks "Copy with constraints..." but on Inventor.

Waiting for an Inventor specialist to respond...



I think the answer to your problem is the use of constraints.

To simplify, a constraint is a half constraint created in the part (and not in the assembly). For example, you can create a "Log" constraint.

An iconstraint has a name.

In the assembly, when inserting a part containing a constraint, inventor will check whether a constraint of the same type (possibly the same name) exists in another part. If so, the assembly will take care of itself.

Another avenue is the use of the component network based on a network function of the part.

Can you be a little more precise about the shapes of the refrigerant hosting your tubes



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Indeed there are constraints for the parts to be placed automatically, but this is tedious if there are 200 pieces as specified in the request.


The rectangular network would perhaps be more appropriate, and faster.


Kind regards

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Attached is an image of the plaque,

 it does not have a standard network,

It is a horizontal tubing exchanger


Thank you all for your help

Hello again


I might have a solution, albeit an unorthodox one


Save under your plate N°1 containing the "Tube" holes for example, then instead of doing an extrusion of material, choose intersection.


You will have a piece representing X tube.


If it's only a performance that you want, it should do the trick.


Kind regards



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