Weld seams

On SolidWorks 2015, when in an assembly, a symmetry of a sheet metal part with weld seams is created, is it normal that the symmetry of these seams does not follow?

Thank you for your answers


when you do the symmetry you can choose visual options in and others; Look at it.

On a single piece, did you make a welding bead?

Can you put your coin?

yes I heard about a weirdo on the weld seams

so to be in adequacy the best I think

is not to take the solder bead option

but to create the cord yourself via a sweep

It's up to you to name this sweeping in weld bead

and then it will follow without blemish

This link talks about the problem of the solder bead option


See also this tutorial


see also this tutorial for SW symmetry


@+ ;-)

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I think the easiest way would be to first do the symmetry and then make the weld seams on the original part and the symmetrical one in the same function.


And trying with body symmetry? They will then have to be merged.

Otherwise you just put the right designation on your weld seam, will it be fine? For example, if your weld goes all the way around an edge, you put a circle in place of the n°8 to say that the weld is all around the edge.

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The GDI (industrial designer's guide) is very useful for all this, I think you can read it on the internet in PDF

Hello and thank you for your answers.

It is the symmetry of a mechanically welded part.

ac cobra 427 : I haven't found these options.

_gt22: Creating a fake solder ok, but I often make parts of this type .... And it would be damaging to come to that. I read the tutorials, and the method you present (in 3e) is the one I use and there is no solder between the "u" and the plate. If we add it on the centerpiece, what happens on the symmetrical?

C.River : What I'm interested in is that the cords are visible in the 3D assembly.

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and well seen the bug of the cords

if you create it via a swipe and name it

it will follow in symmetry of the room without blemish

no other walkthrough for the moment sorry ;-(
