MEP Angular Dimensioning

Hello everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR,

I have a small problem at the beginning of this year, I am working on a MEP of a tree with conical parts. When I try to put the angle of the cone (by activating the two stops forming this cone) it gives me the complementary angle each time...

Ex: an angle of 45°, I set my dimension by selecting the two edges, I can see my 45° rating but when I click to validate the positioning, it gives me the opposite dimension: at 135° it doesn't matter the order of selection of my edges...

How do I get my 45°?

PS: I'm still on SLDWX 2013sp5

Did you try by locking the rating (right click when the view of your rating is good)?

The padlock on the mouse should appear open.


I didn't know... Thank you very much

Problem solved

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