Rating with =/=


I would like to have (or make) a macro that would allow you to add, before and after a dimension, selected the sign =     (e.g. = 30 =)

I tried to create the macro but I think you have to add a lot of lines of code to get the opening of a femeter of choice of side to process.

thank you for your help

Kind regards


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The attached code allows the "=" sign to be added before and after the quotation.

To choose the call number to be processed, the simplest way would be to know which call numbers need to be modified and always name them in the same way. Then, you have to transfer the name in the macro (here, the dimension is "RD1@Vue of drawing1").

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thank you for the answer

However, that's what I had managed to do

I would have to generate the opening of a side choice window, unfortunately it's out of my macro skills


Rather than having a window of choice, wouldn't it be simpler to multiselect sides before launching the macro?

The other option is not unfeasible but in my opinion not necessarily necessary.

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yes that would be good, but how to do it???

There is perhaps a simpler way: styles ( http://help.solidworks.com/2013/French/SolidWorks/sldworks/t_applying_a_style_to_a_dimension_or_annotation.htm ).

This forces you to use your templates but it will not be worse than implementing a macro.


If I understood correctly, you have plans already made and you would like to add == by your side. If so, here's a macro that does that. To use it

  1. Open a plan
  2. Click a random odds
  3.  Press ctrl+A
  4. Executes the macro.

May the force be with you
