Default Inner Tie Line Diameter Dimension

I'm trying to fill in the options -> property of a document in order to have the interior tie lines to dimension the diameters configured by default 

attached an example

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See this link

@+ ;-)


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Thank you

And by default? 

I'm looking to fill in the options -> ownership of a document

what exactly do you want

you won't have a picture to show I don't understand very well


You have to change these options in the template document.

See path in tool- option- file locations- template file

and modify your part file accordingly is the file that keeps you to create new parts.



As pictured: Interior tie lines for quotations

 I'm trying to save this setting by default in the options but I can't find where? 


it's specify on my link in the first message 

You go to the page after you take the tutorial

you calmly look at the tutorial and analyze the possibilities

and this will allow you to change the arrows, put them inside  and position your side

@+ ;-)