Dimension in mm and tolerance in microns. NIHS watch standard

In watchmaking, the NIHS standard works with dimensions in mm and tolerances in microns.

I can't find this dimension model as standard in SolidWorks. How to integrate it or create your own rating model.



You have to go to tool /system option/in Document Properties /Dimensioning/Primary precision and put the desired number of digits after the decimal place


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At first I thought like you, but I tell myself in hindsight that it's not that simple: the goal is not to have 0.00X but X as a value display for tolerances.

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Yes, stefbeno's remark is right. For example, the quotation of a 1.1mm coin at +/-0.01mm would be 1.1mm +/-10μ

Do you indicate μ in the plan or is it implicit?
Do you use modules that retrieve these tolerance values?

If it's implicit, you don't use a module and you don't use adjustments (H7 for example with the tolerance display), you can "cheat" since you're the one who enters the value and it just becomes a matter of convention.



According to MyCadServices, there is no solution in Solidworks.