GPS Rating - How to Grade a Chamfer or Functional Fillet?


Given the changes in the GPS rating standard, since 2011, we must grade chamfers or functional leaves as follows:

By what method do you draw the thick axis? directly on the Drawing with Offset Construction Line? By completing the model with an extra thickness?

Thank you



I would shift the enttiles in the drawing...

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Yes as you propose Alain, I would use a staggered construction line on the drawing.

But I'll only use the rounding or the slanted line by offsetting the features, and then I'll draw the vertical lines by hand. No better solution.

If the standard has changed since 2011, then you should make an improvement request to SolidWorks, in general it's done for the next version or the one after...

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Personally I would use a sketch in the model, you would have the choice to show it or hide it from the drawing. In this way, the same sketch lines can be used if the same part is used in another drawing.


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+1 for @remrem. I was already using this technique to specify partial surface treatments.

@Alain.ERP, as far as GPS rating is concerned, do you have a course to share with us, or a good site that talks about it? Does it revolutionize the listing or is it just an evolution?

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Hello Benoit,

The sources are of course the standards (which I don't have, because it's too expensive for my school).

The excerpt from the above doc comes from the "Memento de specification géométrique des produits" by Frédéric Charpentier (Edition Sceren) dating from 2012. This author owns a site/forum:

CFC Technic

GPS grading completely revolutionizes traditional grading. But it is currently only adopted by large groups such as Renault.


I have a lot of other questions on the subject hoping that there are specialists on the Lynkoa site.