Game Rating on Solidworks 2018


Hi all

I wanted to know how to have this style of scoring (with broken line) in order to place a set on a MEP:

No matter how hard I look, I can't find it, but on this photo the person has managed to do it.

Thank you in advance for your help;)



you can use the TolAnalyst add-on, but this software requires you to make a quote with DimXpert.





It is possible to use the Pick Up option

You have to shoot the ball below the odds

here's what it can look like





waaa awesome, that's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much!

Can you resolve your request?



I just tested  and just have to click on the lines to get it and not on the text / arrows part. Then drag the control handles.

Edit: On the line we want to break.

Of course;)