Hello, after creating a visualization cube in a 3D, you can make it appear with the sketches in a drawing, but I can't rate it.

Anyone know how to do it? What interests me is on an isometric view to dimension the cube of raw material before machining.

Thank you.


On the side a 3d visualization cube is not possible so far I'm in 2018 sp4 version, I'm also looking to do it but it doesn't work, it's just a visual pity.

Please let me know if a solution exists.

Kind regards.


We are talking about this visualization cube:

If so, here is for the 3D:

And for the 2D:

I just displayed the cube and put my dimensions on the sketch lines!!

SW 2017 SP4 version.

Kind regards


Thank you Roger,

It's perfect ... @+.

Thank you for your answers.

Roger, I managed to display the cube visually in the 2D, but I can't select the edges to dimension with the smart dimensioning!!

Do you have an idea?



I did a few tests, (SW 2018 SP 5), at first, I was able to dimension the visualization cube on an iso view without any problem, but on the front and top views, impossible to select the lines of the visualization cube. I then did a right-click and "Restore sketch visibility" (nothing to see in my opinion) and there I was able to select the lines of the visualization cube. On the other hand, I did the same maneuver on another view, and it didn't work.

Conclusion: Dimensioning the visualization cube is not yet developed under SW!! To be tested in future versions for those who are lucky enough (or have the means) to be able to use it.

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Sorry, I don't know where the problem can come from, I can mishandle the 3D and 2D of my example part, show or hide then redisplay the visualization cube, for me it works all the time without any problem.

Kind regards

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Actually Rim-b, I had the visibility of the sketch restored and I can select the cube again!

FYI I'm in SW2018 SP5.

There is indeed a stability problem of this function...

Thank you in any case.


It's weird because I have 2016 and have no problems.

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