Odds between "other position" views

Hi all


Here I am faced with a problem, is it possible to place dimensions between different positions of the same element in a mep?

I'm in SW 2013 SP4.0


In advance, thank you,



If I understand correctly: can we rate 2 different views in a view from another position? Yes.

See attached image.


Thank you for the answer,


Yes, that's what it's all about. That's what it seemed to me, that it usually works!


Could it be because of the cropped views? It tends to create a lot of small problems, because there, there is no way to put this dimension as you were able to do.

a screen to see the situation of the plan? Thank you

Well I solved the problem by bypassing it, but it's still a miser...


Thank you for your answers despite the late hour ;-)
