Note color that does not match layer color


I would like to follow up on this post ( where I found a problem on the color of a note that does not follow the color of the layer.

I closed the subject because the macro was perfectly functional and the problem was purely solidworks (configuration probably)

But following the revival in this position, I would like to solve this problem.

If anyone has an idea why the note is written in red and then goes to gray, it could be very convenient for me and tesniere53120.
Here's a preview (gif) of the problem:

I would say that it may be very simple, on the drawing without clicking on a room or note, open your color palette, the color that will be pressed serves as the default color.

So 2 solutions: either choose another color or select "by default".

To summarize, the color that will be used will be that of the color palette when it is opened in a dead zone of the MEP.

Possible that your problem comes from there, having had the same one a few years ago.


Perfect answer FUZ3D  was it...