Color a part sketch in drawing

Hi everyone.

Does anyone have a trick to make a sketch in a room appear other than gray in its drawing?
Assigning a color to the sketch in the room doesn't work, using the layer color doesn't work either.

I put a screenshot to make myself better understood.

Thank you.



By trying this button:

 Color display mode.

Related Help Page:

I think it works if you don't have blocks.

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You have to go to System Options\Colors\Sketch Inactive and you can change the color. 


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@.PL: Thank you, but no... plus it makes the colors of my annotations come out...


If the color was applied to the sketch (and not to entities in the sketch), check the attachment option.

FYI, I had to do a Ctrl + Q on my plan because I had checked the option after inserting my view.

Good luck



@RazFlash: Thank you, it's a good idea but I have several sketches, with several colors...


If you have several colors, then my solution should suit you.

@Mick Cordero: Thank you, but it doesn't work for me...

Then you can copy the sketch from your part or assembly file and then insert it into the MEP. You superimpose it on top of the inactive one. Then you can change the color normally. I know it's a "hack"

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Ok, it's weird, it works fine at home, and the Ctrl + Q after checking the option?

Otherwise, you have to use several layers in the drawing to include each of the sketches and assign a color:


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RazFlash: Yes, it's an idea, but I think I'll give it up.
My assembly is just huge, and the amount of lines to change color  is even more so.
Solid already takes 3 hours to open the drawing and lags like crazy with each roulette movement...

.PL: No, layer color works for parts, but sketches don't.

Mick Cordero: It changed the colors of the parts without affected layers, but not those of the sketches

Thank you all for your help.

Mick Cordero: Yes, it works, by recreating the view!!

Thank you very much


I am in the same case with the difference of having several colors to make appear from the sketch in my plan. I can't select the strokes in window selection in the drawing I have to click them one by one or do string selection.

Is there a way to select them in packages?