Stroke color in "hidden lines deleted" view

Hi everyone

The context : I make the maintenance manual for a machine tool. To do this, I need schematics, which I make via SolidWorks in " hidden lines deleted " view by capturing screenshots.


The problem : The problem is that in this view mode (hidden lines removed) SolidWorks gives me a part with purple lines, while all the other parts and assemblies are in black lines.


I tried to select the room and " remove all appearances ", but nothing helped.

I attach a screenshot of my concern

What would anyone have a solution to remove this color ?

Thank you


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Hello, a "Ctrl+Q" doesn't help the problem?

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Wouldn't your piece that appears in purple lines be a room with surface bodies?


Thank you for taking the time to answer me.

Bart: No, that doesn't solve the problem.

Benoit.LF: No, a volume part.

Screen print of the room in question:


Well, in fact it doesn't come from there!

This is because your part has been assigned a color at the assembly level. So point to your part, go to "Appearances" (the 4-color ball), click on the color assigned to the assembly, then click on "Remove appearance"

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Question Isn't this a part that you are manipulating so select in the creation tree?

@+ ;-))

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Operation already carried out but without success :-/

Screen print:

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And in your model display options (see photo)


Isn't there one of the colors that would be purple? just to find out why:p


When you go into your room and put it in the "Hidden Lines Deleted" view, it also appears in purple?

If so, go to Tools/Options/Document Properties/Template View/Wireframe/Deleted Hidden Lines. If it's purple, that's where it comes from.

Otherwise, no idea... :/

Edit: Beaten to the post by @Bart! ;)


Sorry! ^^


@ santino

What if you close everything and reopen your file without selecting any parts?

@+ ;-))

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What if you sent us your piece, so that we can see how it reacts at home?

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are you under which SW version and which graphics card?

@+ ;-))

Does it only do it in this assembly, in the subassemblies where this part appears, on the part alone?


The problem with appearances is that it is settled on a lot of levels that overlap.


Problem solved !!

I put my assembly in " stop in shaded mode" view, the parts have a color in this display there, and only in this display there (each independently opened component is gray), then I removed the apply color. When switching back to the " hidden lines delete " display, the lines were black again. Why doesn't the fact of removing the appearances in the " hidden lines delete " display not delete it? no idea :-s

However it still seems strange to me, all the other components have a color (red, yellow, blue,...) and their color in the " hidden lines delete " display is indeed black.

Weird, weird.

Thank you very much for your help and the time you spent on my problem !!!

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