Auto bubble colors/dotted parts

Hi all


Is it possible to automatically assign a color/layer to the bubbles in relation to the pointed piece?

I am attaching an example.

Maybe a macro already exists?


Thank you!


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Despite my research I can't find anything...


I'm not sure that this exists at the moment but it's an idea to be explored !!

Specify a little more your need, is it just to know if your windshield is well placed or is it really to put a color (layer) per room?

Kind regards



At first I think I will put the color on the parts manually (to prevent parts in contact colored in red and orange from confusing for example) and then add the bubbles automatically according to the color of the part.

Looking at an auto-bubble macro, I get the impression that you can only define one layer with the auto-bubble feature.

I think we need to create a function that determines the layer names for each piece and then applies it to the connected bubble.

Like what:    

For i=1 to NbrDePieces
  CalqueActif = Calque Pièce i
  Ajouter bulle Pièce i
Next i