Buggy section on Solidworks MEP

Good evening, I have problems about a cut.

My client needs a plan of the ground floor of a building but when I make my section, the lines of the shaded image of my rooms are yellow, like when a change has been made on a part and the annotation attached to it needs to be put back in place... I don't see at all why I have this bug, I did some research on the internet, unsuccessful...
The problem is that it looks really ugly, I can't send it to the customer... I had already done the exact same cut before but I had never encountered this problem...
(SW2014 SP5)

Has anyone ever encountered this kind of problem? Do you have a solution?

Thanks in advance!

(See image)

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My question will sound weird but, did you already have this problem in the previous versions? so previous SP?

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Haaa, you hit a nerve... I had a lot of trouble installing the SP5 (see the most VDM question of the year 2014 on the ranking made by Clémentine) and since I installed it, I have a lot of problems on my MEPs... For example, yesterday, I broke my record of "Solidworks has encountered a problem, the application must close" by working a whole afternoon on several different MEPs... And today, I find this problem that had never happened to me before when I had already performed operations of this type a hundred times...
And when I think about it, it's the first time I've worked on MEPs since I installed the MS...

I was just wondering if it's not the SP5 that is completely crappy but seeing how I struggled to install it, I quickly chased this idea out of my head, I'm really afraid it's that and at the same time, I can't imagine it :-/

So no, I had never encountered this problem before and yet, I was working in SP0...

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I don't work with the 2014 version but I think it's due to the fact that your cut has to go through a surface.

Shift your cut by 1mm (+ or -) and maybe it will work.

Good luck.



Hello Joss,

The idea of @echaumet is interesting.

If that's not enough, you should still look at your cut sketch first. Has the line simply not become too short, thus making a partial  cut or tangential to one side?

If for you it's only an aesthetic problem with this mustard yellow, you can tinker with the time to save the image by changing the color to black: Tools/Options/Colors/Dimensions, Wobby.

But put this color back on once the recording is over, it's still very handy in case of a real problem!

Have a nice day.


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Hi @ Joss

Why for your cutting drawing

You don't make a copy of your assembly that you save under another ref to differentiate it well

and on this copy name for example cut assembl X

don't remove material that corresponds to your cut

This way, you will end up with your cross-sectional assembly without any display defects

This is also a roundabout way of solving the problem 



@echaumet, I have never had the slightest problem before to make a cut on the surface, especially since here, this cut crosses the ground floor of my building which is a concrete structure created in volume. I don't have the problem with the other floors, which are made up of a metal framework made of a surface. I've already tried to shift my haircut in all directions... Nothing to do

@Benoit, no, the line takes up the whole building. I had also thought about the option to change the colors but I also told myself that if with each bug I change the color in the options, it will quickly become sh**** and that's not how I'm going to remove the problem :-/

@gt22, I've never had any cutting problems with surface, but material removal on surface really doesn't work well... During another question, someone had suggested that I remove material from this building, it didn't work at all.

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For your surface area, make an extruded sketch, this sketch that encompasses your entire cut 

then with your restrain tool in surface

you select all the faces you want to disappear by specifying remove the selections

It should work

@+ ;-))

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It is impossible for me to select all the faces, my building is, at the base, bugged, the metal framework that was sent to me is composed of thousands of small triangles... A single IPN beam can easily hold about 300 of them... :'(

On the other hand, I managed to solve the problem... By creating a new document... Don't ask me what has changed, because nothing has changed, I just know that now, the bug doesn't appear anymore... Yesterday, I had already done the trick of creating a new document, it didn't change anything... Today, it works. I don't understand anything anymore.

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See Restrict Surface Screenshot

@+ ;-))

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Did you close and reopen your SW yesterday? See your position outright?

Thinking about it, I had this kind of problems on previous versions, on some heavy drawings (rather parts). I had to open up the 3D, rebuild it (Ctrl+Q), keep it in the background, go back to the 2D and also rebuild it (Ctrl+Q).

To be tested if it starts again, even if it's still just a hack! :/


Isn't it precisely a line color that has changed (in the options/colors)?


And have you tried to do a local cut to see if you have the same phenomenon?

or toggle the display style temporarily.


@Benoit, no, I hadn't tried to reset my job, that's probably why today it works well... Mystery...

@opiep, no, it's not a matter of changing the color in the options, I had checked all that yesterday. I admit that I don't see what you mean by "local cut". And I had indeed tried to change the display state and also the display style several times, with a small Ctrl+Q after modifying the display because sometimes I have some graphical bugs on my MEPs, which often resolve themselves this way. But for once, it didn't change anything.

I don't really know who to choose as the best answer... I think I'm going to put @Benoit because in my opinion it's because I turned my set off and on again that it works again.

Thank you for your answers and your involvement^^