Cutting/gluing change of state


As do for when you cut and paste a SW file with the ETAT1 state in a specific directory, the file automatically changes state to ETAT2 state.


Thank you



Is it for PDM Works or EPDM?


And I didn't quite understand the question, if you can elaborate, thank you.

In the EPDM, I have two directories:




My SW files in folder1 follow a workflow that can be in the DESIGN state


the action I want to perform: when I cut a SW file with the DESIGN state from folder1 to folder2, I want the file to automatically change state to OBSOLETE state



Maybe a macro will be necessary, but I'll let the specialists decide!

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So no, it's not possible directly. The condition of the room will be the same.

Yes, with a macro it would be possible to change the state when copying a file.





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If I understood correctly, your "Folder2" is reserved for your files that you no longer use. 

Why not leave them in "Folder1" and make them OBSOLETE (with the same Workflow)


Afterwards, maybe with a Dispatch, the EPDM can locate the files in the OBSOLETE state in "Folder1" and automatically move it to "Folder1".


Personally, I don't really know the Dispatch , but if you're under Axemble maintenance, there's bound to be an EPDM consultant, or a Hotliner who can give you a hand.....


But by the way, why do you want to put them in "Folder2" your OBSOLETE files?

Why not leave them in "Folder1" in the OBSOLETE state quite simply?

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