Local section on Cross-sectional view of an assembly (key-visibility)


I can't make a local cut on a cross-sectional view in an assembly to show a key for example.

I know that about ten years ago we could do it easily. Then, on some versions of SolidWorks (example 2017) it was impossible to make a local cut on a section view. Today, I have the 2020 version. The developers have restored this function, however impossible to make a correct local cut (see attachment, this is the result I would like to have)

Here's how I do it:

- I make a cross-sectional view

- In the "Extent of the cut" tab, I select the tree so that it is not cut (rules of the art of industrial design)

- On this cross-sectional view, I then make a local cut at the key. And that's where I have my problem. The local cut does not want to cut down the tree that I previously excluded from the view in global section...

I don't see how to do it, I have the impression that there are no solutions. But it seems so absurd to me not to be able to do it, because this kind of cuts can be found on a lot of shots... That's the basis...

Do you have any idea?

Thank you.

Kind regards.


I just saw this post that deals with the problem in 2014. One person (y.pacquelet) had found a solution by tinkering to death.

But I think it's crazy that we can't do it anymore even on the 2020 version!

Post link: https://www.lynkoa.com/forum/solidworks/comment-faire-une-vue-de-detail-dans-une-vue-en-coupe

If you have a real solution, I'm all for it.

Thank you, Sincerely.