Cut a cone in sheet metal and get the right unfolded

Hello everyone,

I made a cone in sheet metal in swept folded sheet metal, so far it's okay

Now I want to cut out a part of it, for that I used the split function, my cutting hole is the plane I positioned where I want, I select the 2 small bodies that I don't want to keep and I check "abstain cut bodies"

The result is ok, but when I unfold it, I get the whole piece... and not only the part kept

Attached image, the blue part is the one kept, the others are deleted in the split function

Now I'm drying... I don't know if I used the right tools

Thank you for your help




I have already encountered the problem.

look at my position:


and here is my piece

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Haaa well yes it works !!

I was looking for a little noon to 2pm I think

Thank you for your help


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Before redoing your cone; Try to take the plane perpendicular to the one in the image and draw a rectangle that encompasses the part to be removed and do a normal material removal. There it should also work without redoing everything.