Projected curve


I discover the projected curve function, I try to create a projected curve between the two sketches below:


My problem is that the beginning of the spline created (in blue below) is good, but it doesn't work until the end, the last return is missing:


Could you tell me what I need to do to be able to fully realize the spline?


Thank you in advance for your help 



PS for information, I'm on SolidWorks 2014

probably a problem of coincidence between the horizontal and vertical lines

See this tutorial

@+ ;-)


We have to extend the curve a little, right?



Yes, I also think that the dimensions should be reviewed, measure the distances between the two curves and see the gap to be added.

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It looks like on the image of gt22 that you constrained coincides with a return of the line according to the wrong point of the leave of the projected line, select  the other end of the leave.  

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It seems that there is a return to the end of your curve, if it is, the problem probably comes from there.

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