Welding cost,


Do you have any idea, how I can calculate the cost of a mechanically welded structure,

Thank you 



We are calculated by the kg. If you have solidworks coasting it will do it for you.

may the force be with you.



hello OBI WAN,

how did you calculate the cost per kg?

knowing that the structure can consist of: (laser cutting, bending, welding, painting, etc.),

thank you for helping me,



With us it's calculated by the meter knowing that with us we start with 8m per hour for a semi welder and 3m for TIG and not an assembler.

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B We took the various files that we had subcontracted , we put the invoices in front of them and we deducted one taken per kg. Since then, we have been working like this with our subcontractor. sorry for obvious reasons I can't say anything about the price.

May the force be with you

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It depends on several factors:

- Welder's hourly cost, the type of continuous or spot welding.

- the profile/material used and the total length.

- number of sections, starting that in principle there are 80% that have a weld at the 2 ends.

- number of people who intervene on it.

- also allow for a margin of error

- and THE margin

By making an excel table and estimating all these parameters you should arrive at something coherent.

I'm surprised by the price per Kg method because if you have 2 structures that are the same weight but one 1m long with a lot of elements to weld and another 4m long with 2-3 elements to weld can't have the same price.

The little more complex will require much more time than the 2 larger but little intervention on it in the end.

If you are still on the same type of structure, why not.

That's my thought^^


I think it's difficult to estimate it

Hello @ac-cobra

You know how attentive I am to all your answers and generally with a high level of relevance but here (very exceptionally) I have a little trouble understanding your answer. If you can help me, it will save me a headache.

[[it's calculated by the meter knowing that with us we start with 8m per hour for a welder on the half and 3m for TIG and not an assembler.]]

Does this mean that a welder at the minimum wage?

And not an assembler ??

Kind regards

PS: TIG and MIG are in a boat, which goes faster

Hello, Zozo,

semi = semi-automatic welding (MIG-MAG) [GMAW],

assembler = boilermaker,


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Semi auto MIG/MAG? or Smic^^ not the same thing, but applicable to the same person^^ :p


PS: TIG and MIG are in a boat, which goes faster

It all depends if it's in relation to the sun and the position of the moon.... No?


Hello @Zozo_mp ,

In fact, semi welding is much faster than TIG or MIG, that's why semi welding can be done +-8m per hour and 3m TIG and an assembler doesn't have the same hourly rate as a welder. We have calculated a welder and assembler workshop rate and this rate is applied in relation to the total length of weld on the assembly while taking into account the difficulties because welding 8m straight and 8m by doing only bypasses around the tube is not the same. But in general it's quite well esteemed in our country


What's that best answer?




How to cancel it


You can't cancel but you can change the best answer.

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Personally, I'm not a big fan of the price per kg because sometimes you're a winner and sometimes you're a loser, as FUZ3D explains so well. A 50-kilogram part with 15 folded and welded parts will be more expensive than a simple 50-kilogram thick plate. I often mix the weight for the material price, the number of elements or connections to be made. That way I put a cost for each operation by elements, flow, pointing, welding. The galvanizing or powder coating is added in addition.

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Hello, @RoNathan ,

At home, we do a lot of either sheet metal hoppers or carpentry, in other words often the same profile of parts but with different formats, which justifies this type of operation. This price does not include machining operations and varies depending on whether it is S235 or stainless steel.

May the force be with you