Creating Leaning Cables


I am looking to create prestressing cables for a bridge with solidworks

How to do it?

Thank you


- By making a sketch 1 either on the pillar or on the deck, to represent the diameter of the cable. So a circle

- On a sketch 2, you draw your direction.

- Extrusion of Sketch 1, with Extrusion Direction :Sketch 2


After if it's for calculation, no need to represent them, just add a connection between 2 points.


Here is the ex.

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In addition to the @opiep27 proposal, you could also make these cables by welded construction: draw a sketch on your right-hand plane where you will represent all the neutral fibers of your cables. Then Insert/Welded Construction/Mechanically Welded Element and select a round section.

You can also make them by revolution by drawing an inclined rectangle on the right plane and then Insertion/Bossage-Base/Revolution using one side of the rectangle as the axis of revolution.


As requested by MP, here is an example.

In red by mechanically welded elements (faster), in yellow by revolution.



What do you mean by "creating" prestressing cables?

If it's just for quick visualization, the solutions already proposed are sufficient.

If you need something more detailed, it's still a little more complex. The white cylinders of the Millau Viaduct are just shells that are largely more aesthetic than anything else. The cable itself is usually a strand of several smaller cables with a threaded part at each end to be fixed with nuts.

As a result, it might be better to make a piece representing each cable and then assemble them with the rest of the work.

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Weird your room.


have you been on it for + a year?!

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yes it's for quick visualization Chamade