Creating Configurations (Configuration Publisher)


I am currently working on the configuration of parts and assemblies within my company using Configuration Publisher.
I have several questions on this subject:

  • Is it possible to create part configurations through the Publisher configuration of the assembly in which the part is present?

For example: I want to resize a complete assembly via the configuration publisher but this involves creating a new configuration of a part.

-Is it possible to modify the part material via the publisher configuration?

Thanks in advance

hello Fajoker,

I don't use too much publisher, but look at this a bit, it might help =>Configuration Publisher - 2016 - SOLIDWORKS Help.
Good luck.

From the top of my little experience with this option I would say no...
it is a tool to facilitate the SELECTION of confis

To update complex models, there is DRIVEWORKS for example.
(however I have never used it, I could not tell you much more)