Creation of a basemap template


When I create a basemap template from scratch, how do I include notes related to parts properties in a file like *.sldprp? I don't see how to "signal" to the background that it has to go and get this data. I only have access to the properties of the current document. The other options "Component to which the annotation is attached" and "Model in the  specified view..." " bring me nothing more.

Thanks in advance


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You have to edit the basemap (right-click edit the basemap)

Then fill in the properties like the attached image (if I understood your request correctly)

And by filling in many of the existing properties of your room or your MEP

Otherwise if you don't understand well look at Alain.ERP's tutorial given in your previous post which should give you the basics to use properties or custom properties

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Hello, otherwise we can save an existing plan as a background plan template. At least we have all the tools to work.

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It's very clear! Thank you very much


See Basemap on my site:

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Hello Alain,

Thank you very much, I watched your tutorial. I work differently because I use the property manager which seems to me to be more user-friendly and efficient than the file/properties tab  you describe. But both methods must of course give the same result. The problem is that every other time the list of properties proposed when choosing the link for the note does not contain all the properties defined. One time it works, one time it doesn't.... The syntax $PRP or $PRPSHEET seems weird to me. To which object exactly does $PRPMODEL refer? It seems to me that as soon as Solidworks trades with Excel there is a blur.

Have a nice day